Wednesday 20 October 2010

Second college Magazine Analysis

This Magazine is similar to the previous analysis that I did because it was published from the same institution so there are many similar characteristics.

LANGUAGE- The Master head is "Secondary Teachers" But this time it is blocked partially by the girl in the picture showing she has dominance and power. The date shows us that it was to be published for May 2009 this allows the reader to know that the college magazine is up to date and has the relevant information within the magazine. The picture is a mid shot of a sensibly dressed girl holding up a note pad and holding glasses preserving that she is an educational figure. Also it is good that the photo is a mid shot because it allows writing to be added down the side for information and teasers to what will be in the magazine. You can tell that the magazine is for a place of Education because you can tell this because  as soon as you see the magazine because someone who words in the education such as a teacher would  recognise it even with the word "Ofsted" Because schools are usually allways related to Ofsted in the news and also in schools all across the country.

INSTITUTION- The institution for this Magazine is "Secondary Education" this meens that it can be Mediated so then information can be put across but only what the institution wants you to see.

IDEOLOGY- As in before this magazine is there to inform and Educate. Also it shows that there is going to be a big change in inspections because where it says " Meet the new inspectors they're not from Ofsted" you can tell it is of importance because it has been circled out so it stands out so this could show about what the magazine could be about.

AUDIENCE- The Audeience for this Magazine is for teachers because non of the information on the front cover is relevant for children or parents but it is for teachers for example where it says "Whats YOUR staffroom like? this lets teachers know that it is a magazine directed at them.

REPRESENTATION- I beleive it represents students and how they can be shown as intelectuels and how they can assess teachers aswell as Ofsted.

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