Thursday 14 October 2010

LIIAR analysis on two college Magazines

The master head is Secondary teachers and the "Secondary" allows you to know that it is for Teachers who teach in Secondary Teachers. The date shows us that it was for November 2007 this allows people to know if it is up to date and if the information inside is up to date. The picture shows a fingerprint and writing comes off talking about information about the pupils day showing that they can see what a pupil has been up to. Also there is a picture at the top showing a girl smiling showing that sharing her school with Pigs and Chickens is good. There is allot of information that is given on this front cover for example you know its for a place of education because it is written by the department for children , schools and families. Also above the Master head it talks about "How to survive parents evening" and also "Boost your career - abroad " This entices and interests teachers into reading the magazine.
The Main tag line is "Student ID How fingerprint recognition is reshaping the way schools work" this would interest teachers into finding out more about this Student ID and how it would reshape the ways schools work or most importantly how it would affect their way of teaching .

INSTITUTION - The institution for this magazine would be "Secondary Teachers" and this institution may try and portray school life as  a place to work to behave because then teachers can see the seriousness of this. It can affect the final product because the magazine wants the reader to focus more on the student.

IDEOLOGY - To inform and educate and also it puts the idea across that everyone is different and students can be individuals. Also it portrays the day of a student at a school because it shows what time they was registered to what they had for lunch that day and even how much it cost.

AUDIENCE- The target audience for this Magazine is for Teachers in Secondary Education and it targets them because it is to do with there profession and to try and benefit them and to give advice. We can also tell this magazine is for teachers because it talks about "How to survive parents evening" and we know this is for teachers because it would not be appropriate information for a student or parents.

REPRESENTATION- It represents students and how student ID fingerprints can track students around the School it also can represent students in a bad way because it shows the need to know what pupils are up to because they use fingerprints in places such as in crime.

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