Thursday 28 October 2010

Evaluation on the College Magazine

I was asked to produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-ups plus some appropriately laid-out  text and master head Using DTP and also create a mock up of the Contents page to demonstrate their grasps of DTP.

First of all I did a LIIAR evaluation on a college magazine to get an idea on what my college magazine was like so I looked at two different college magazines to get an idea on how to make and what to use in my college magazine. Doing this I found out I needed things such as a Master head, Anchorage , pictures, an institution, a target audience, a format and many other important things that would make it a Magazine.
After this I then went on to planning my magazine I realised there were Lott's of different parts of college life and subjects that i could focus my college magazine on from Science, sport, cooking to Studying and many other different aspects of college life so I had Lott's of different things to choose from. I thought studying and revising would be a good choice because it affects everyone at college because everyone has to do some form of revision or studying. The reason why I decided to call my magazine Studying and Revision at Wyke college was because the Audience would know straight away what the magazine will be about. My target audience was students aged 16-19 for them to overcome stresses and problems they where facing.

After doing all my research and part of my planning I then went onto taking my photos for the Front cover of the magazine. I needed my photos to be a medium close-up and also to show someone studying or revising depending on the interpretation of the reader. I then picked my model who was happy to go ahead with the shoot. We then went to the Library in the college and took some books for example a book called "World War" to show knowledge and interest and also some people think of revision as a battle so that was one of the reasons why I wanted to get this book in my shot. When i took the picture I was stood on a chair and I then asked her to look up with a slight smile so  this would give the impression as though she was at a vulnerable time in her academic life but she was in control and and had the power. The colours in the picture are also calm and neutral showing that she is in a comfortable and a nice working area so can study peacefully and independently.

After taking my photo I then planned my front cover and my contents page on an A4 piece of paper just to get an outline on what order and where to put my photos, Master head and other pieces of information.
I then started on making my magazine. I used Photo shop to to create my magazine and put my photo onto it and then used a text publisher to put my Master head and anchorage onto my magazine. I wanted to use bright colours to catch the audiences attention and placed the Master head just above my models head also i wanted it to be bold so it is clear to understand. The questions I used on my front cover was questions that where aimed at people that maybe worrying about exams and revision such as "Are you worrying about Exams? Find it hard to revise?   These questions would make it seems as though the magazine is targeted at them and if they was thinking yes they would read the text below which says "Read this Magazine and it will give you tips and advice about everything you need to know" This entices people into reading the magazine to find out more. Also I used a photo of a bar code and edited it into my magazine to give it a professional look.

There are many things that I would change about my magazine because it was a bit of a rush near because I took more time thinking about the planning and taking the photos and was left with a short period of time near the end to take time and care in my Magazine.  This affected my skills that I usually use on photo shop for example I would of made the text a bit more less bright for the ancourage at the bottom because it is hard to read and also I would of left a bit of room to the left of my photo for the Anchorage so it isn't in the way of the books in the picture. Overall in the time that I was given I believe it is presented good and also is up to standard of a college magazine.

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