Wednesday 20 October 2010

Planning and Ideas for My College Magazine.

There are many different types of college magazines that you can do for example there are different subjects and different parts of college life that can be talked about in a magazine or actually have its own magazine for example these are some subjects that i could focus on such as Sport, Art and design , Textiles, Science and Maths also there are many other subjects that i could focus my magazine on. Also i could do my magazine focusing on college life and studying for example studying, Exams and even just general new about the college. For this Task i am going to do a Magazine about studying at college and revising for exams because it is something that affects everyone in college and it would reach a large audience instead of it just been targeted on one subject inbeticular. I think the mid shot photo i am going to use is going to be of a student studying or revising for an exam. My Magazine will target students aged 16- 19 helping them to overcome the stresses of exams and how to or to help with coursework. For this i will need to choose a picture that will petray somebody studying and also it will have the relevent information. The master head for my magazine will be called studying and revision at Wyke college.

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