Sunday 20 February 2011

Drafts and planning

This is a draft for my Front cover, It shows me were to place my pictures and other things that will be included in my front cover, It will have all the same codes and conventions of a normal Music Magazine, this is also helping me plan ahead so when I have taken my images and start to use Photoshop to develop my magazine and produce my final piece. Of course the final product will not be identical to this draft but it will be similar in the placement.

This is the draft for my Contents page, it will also have the same codes and conventions of a normal magazine so then it will seem more appealing. It will have images of my main artist which will have the page number allocating the reader to the double page spread and also other pages for other prospective articles. It will also have images of other people that would appear in my magazine so it looks professionally done and also more versatile.

This is my Double page spread draft, It is a basic draft but it allows me to see what my double page spread may look like when I have completed my double page spread. Their is one thing that I would change about this draft and that is the fact that I would use Columns so I would have a place to put my articles, Other then this I believe I will stick to this Draft.

Font for Magazine

This is the Font for my Magazine, It will be very important to keep the same style of font throughout my magazine so it keeps the continuity going thoughout my magazine. Also I wanted a unique and diffrent style of font so the audience will be able to know that it is my magazine.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Planning for my music magazine

My music magazine will be an independent magazine for Indie music lovers. It will contain new and upcoming artists. The magazines intention is to give information to the audience about the new and upcoming artists in the United Kingdom. It will not have all the big named bands in which you see in the more popular music magazines but will have small and upcoming singers who have been seen to have a good potential to make a name of themselves. The magazine will include most of the information that a normal magazine would contain with pictures, interviews, information , Upcoming gigs and many other things. The magazine will be colourful and bright. The name for my magazine will be WTFK it stands for "Whats the frequency Kenneth"it is a song by the American alternative rock group R.E.M. Many new magazines get their names from songs from well known bands. The magazine will be an Indie magazine and target people who like new and upcoming Indie singers and bands . The target audience will be teenagers and young adults. It will be low cost and easy to read and purchase. It will have a certain colour scheme throughout the magazine and these colours will be Black and red so then people can relate to the magazine and personally I find it distracting when there is a wide range of colour schemes as it distracts the eye. I will be using a male model named Connor Hodgins and this will be the name of my artist. I believe in Independent artists as I believe that they have put more input into their success then what a professional artist does as they don't do all the work and they don't get all the profit that an independent artist would get. I want my artist to have a shy look about him but when in the article that I will do for my double page spread he will talk about his claim to fame and this will be laid out in a column to make it more professional. I have found a location were I would like to take shots of my artist in a music studio and I have found a professional music studio in the city centre of Hull, I have emailed the Studio and they have given me the go ahead for the shooting and I have been given a date and time to go with my artist and do the shoot. I will be going in mind with the fact I need shots that will be able to fit a Front cover so it will have to be portrait and have enough room for positioning my Articles and Masthead and all the codes and conventions that a Front cover of a magazine would have. My Contents page will require a variety of images for my contents page as it will need to have more advertisements so I will use a different artist for my contents page so I will take more Images so then it will be more professional and also look more realistic so I will also be going to the shoot with another artist to take more photos. I will also need to create a double page spread that will require a landscape photo so then it will be able to fit into the image but also I am also going to take a Portrait image as I want to be able to put a column in so then I can produce a interview in which it will be structured by columns.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Three Double Page Spreads.

 Metal Hammer Magazine

This is the double page spread from the Metal Hammer Magazine and represents and shows the band Avenged Sevenfold, they are a heavy metal band and they were very popular at the time when this magazine was published, they were also advertised on the front cover so people would be able to recognise that they would be in the  magazine. It is only for very popular bands and artists to make it onto the front cover and double page spread. The artists are posing for the photo in an orderly but not formally. They are positioned in a certain way so then the audience can see who is the most dominant band members in the band. The background is dominantly back with relevance to  angels and death, Their is a small quote in the top right of the of the screen showing that they have actually talked to the magazine and the audience will be able to tell this and also they will be able to know that the magazine is successful because of having such a famous band on the magazine. The colours are very grim and this contrasts the fact that they are a heavy metal band as you would not see them dressed in colourful clothes. The double page spread is positioned with the photo in mind, The photographer knew that he would need to get a photo which is landscape so they could fit all of the captions, Masthead and other things that are on the Double page spread. My Double page spread will be different to this as I will be using Columns and only one artist. The colours will be different as my magazine will have a different target audience to this double page spread.
 NME Magazine
This is the double page spread from NME magazine and there target audience is more for teenagers and young adult. This double page spread will be similar to my magazine as I will have the same layout as this magazine and will have the same codes and conventions of this magazine. My magazine will not have the amount of people in this picture but will have the same space in which to work with. They have done there writing in columns and have it on the right hand side. They have took a portrait photo so they could be able to put the article next to the photo. The colours in this double page spread are very bland but also very colourful with the colour Orange making a striking and very original but this helps show were things are and the important parts of the double page spread. The people in the photo are predominantly young and this will appeal to other teenagers and young people this will have sense of narcism with the audience. This is an article but I will be doing an interview with my artist as I want my artist to come across more sociable and more outwards to fans.

                                                                    IDJ Magazine

This magazine is majority for DJ's and for people who are into techno, trance and electronic music so the picture is ironic as it is different and new. It shows a man dressed and painted in black and white and he has face paint on his face which is in shape of a skull and I believe the water is in place so it seems as though he is being indulged in the music. It is a very dramatic photo and would have an affect on the audience to discover was the photo is about. The man in the picture is the main drummer in the band. The picture is positioned so that the artist is 3/4 of the way across the double page spread so it leaves room for the article and also pull quote and this is when a quote is taken out of the article so people will get a glimpse of what would be in the article. The article is on the left hand side of the double page spread and talks about the artist but it is edited very well as the hand of the artist comes into the article but the article fits around the hand.