Monday 19 December 2011


We were given a task to create the front page, contents and a double page spread for a new music magazine. The images and text used had to be original and produced by myself, and we were given a minimum of four images.

My media product uses and develops most forms and conventions of a real media product. This is done by placing things in a professional and conventional manner in which it fits in with the image of other well-known magazines. My front cover consists of an image, a masthead, price, barcode and other things you would expect to find on other magazines. It sticks with most of the conventions that would be found on other magazines but has its own twist on it for example, it does not have the price where a normal magazine would place its price code, as mine is at the top right hand corner because with the audience’s own knowledge of magazines, people read from top left downwards and in this economic climate people want to know how much a magazine costs before they would think about purchasing it. The Mast head is very bold and eye catching using a bright colour so when the consumer sees the product they would be able to tell straight away that this was the title for my magazine. It also has a different font to it so it gives it a new and original effect. The title "WTFK" stands for "What’s The Frequency Kenneth." Other than it being my name it was a song from a band and I thought this gave its own character and edge to my magazine. The picture I used for my magazine was a picture of Connor who was the main artist in my magazine with a featured interview and was continued through my magazine on the front cover, contents page and double page spread. Connor is holding a guitar and is placed behind a set of drums, I did this during my photo shoot as I wanted to show that he is a musician and the audience would be able to see this straight away. The lighting is bright and shows Connor’s face well so then the audience will be able to be easily recognised. I did not want the audience’s eye to be distracted by puffs and advertisements that would be normally shown on a magazine but in my audience research people said they did not wanted to be bombarded by advertisements so I took this on board. When I was in my planning stage of creating my magazine I wanted to create meaning for my product so when it came to colours I wanted continuity in my colours and this is why I chose two contrasting and eye catching colours. Symbolically Black and Red mean danger but the colour Red can also be seen as the colour for passion and I picked up on this as my magazine is both appealing to both male and female niche audiences. I wanted my product to be cheap as these economic times have hit my target audience hard. Also I have put the date of issue so people know which edition they are buying. When I was at my photo shoot I intentionally set out that I wanted my artist to be looking at the camera for my front cover as I wanted the audience to be able to have that connection with my artist and also I knew that I would need to leave space for my Mast head and other conventions that I have included and positioned.

My Contents page also has the normal conventions of a regular contents page but is different and unique to its rival magazines which are at competition with each other. It has the name of the magazine at the top so then it reminds the audience all the way though that you are reading something from WTFK. This is due to my plan for having continuity throughout the magazine. It has the Masthead stating "Contents." This helps people know that it is the contents page and also I used   a large red font so it stands out from everything else other than the WTFK which needs to be larger as it is more important. There is an Editors letter on my contents page which is usually seen in other successful magazines. It also does not take up a lot of room but is visible to the reader and they will automatically know that the article is an editor’s letter because other magazines place there editors message in the same place as were I positioned my editors message. She talks about the main artist in the magazine which is Connor and she talks about how she enjoys his music and also has a friendly and approving approach to Connor and his music, this could be used to help Connor gain popularity and also the reader will be able see that if the editor is writing about him that he must be good.  There is also a picture to the left of the Editors letter and it shows a coloured close up shot of Emily who is the editor of the magazine and who had wrote the editor’s letter the left of the Editors letter. This also helps the reader to put a face to the editor so then people feel as though they have that sense of communication between the Editor and reader. The list of pages is featured into two different categories being "Featured pages" and the other being "Regulars" this lets the audience know who is usually in the magazine and who is a special feature and this would make the audience want to know what it is. Also the colour used changes between the both and is reversed to give the opposite affect to each other. The picture I used for my Contents page was a picture i took in the Piano room in college which was a well lit room and was facing away from the window so then it would give it a really inspiring look to it. The picture shows Connor playing the Piano as he is bent down and really feeling the music. I cropped the photo so then you would only really see Connor and the piano, this created meaning to the reader and shows the intimate moment of Connor and the Piano, I also took pictures of another artist so my contents page would look fuller and more professional as people do not want a magazine just to consist of one artist so with having another artist appear in the Contents page it looks like there is more than one artist in the magazine, The photo is natural and shows Faran holding a guitar, this showing that she is musical talent and that she will also be in the magazine. I positioned my Contents page in a specific way which stuck by the conventions of a normal magazines contents page, I wanted it to be simple so the reader will easily be able to understand it and also look professional and unique.

My Double page spread also has the characteristics of a well-known magazine because the layout is similar to other magazines and also there is a clear divide down the page. On the left page you see is dominated by the photo and also the name of the artist "Connor Hodgins”. This allows people to know that it is the article that had been advertised on the front cover and on the contents page.  The photo is a dark photo but a powerful photo to use because it shows Connor working on a Sound system, when I was planning for my shoot I wanted somewhere where they use digital sound systems so when I went to go and view the shooting area I straight way knew that the studio would be great for my shoot. It was in a dark room but this showing that this is was all the music is created and how he puts all of his knowledge and energy into editing and creating his songs. The photo also goes along with the caption which says “Behind the Desk with Connor” this connotes the fact that you are seeing a side to Connor which most people do not usually see an artist when they are producing the music so this could start to build up a relationship between the reader and artist. There is an introduction to the interview at the right side of the double page spread masthead and there is a quote from the interview, big music magazine companies use quotes because it has catches the eye of the reader and also allows them to see what he will be talking about in the article because when it says "I'M ENJOYING ALL THE ATTENTION FROM THE GIRLS" I used this quote because the target audience of m magazine is teens and I target my magazine at having a 50/50% male and female to I targeted into the Narcism because boys would want to be him and girls would want to be with him, also it has a cheeky element to it. On the right hand of the page is the actual interview and two headings. The first heading says "Behind the desk with Connor" this has two meanings to it and how it is interpreted by the reader because when creating a magazine it is all about creating meaning. If you look at the photo you are behind the desk looking at Connor and also this can related to finding out a bit about Connor and finding out what happens behind that desk. The interview is laid out in columns so it looks professional and also in order, this helps the reader to read the article and be able to see who is asking the questions. I wanted the interview to have an informal and a friendlier approach to the interview so Connor would be able to seem as though a funny, cheeky and sociable character. There also is a caption at the bottom of the double page spread saying what the double page spread is about. The double page spread is also set out in the normal format for a double page.

Producing this magazine has developed my knowledge of both the practical and creative side of Media. I have gained valuable knowledge about how to produce and create a magazine and also learn a lot of terminology about Media which I did not know about before creating the magazine. Though the use of different forms of digital technology. The different forms of digital technology that I used to create my Magazine were Blogger, cameras and Photoshop. Using these I could produce and develop my skills in many ways such as, how to use these forms of digital technologies and how to use them in a constructive and productive way to produce my final products. Blogger was the first thing I was introduced to. It allowed me to put all of my ideas, Planning, essays, photos, videos, scanning work and final products onto the blog. Blogger enabled to put all my ideas together and to make a final decision on what I wanted to do. It allowed me to look back and piece together all of the posts that I made to produce and piece everything together. Blogger helped me develop my skills on how to structure, clearly show my workings out and show it all in chronological order. When I took my photos I could easily upload my photos onto the blog and analyse each photo and write a descriptive analyse of each photo below the photo. It was also good for when I needed to upload videos to do the LIIAR analysis. Blogger allows you to upload photos so this allowed me to scan things into the computer then publish them onto my blog. Blogger helped me develop my skills and by the end of the year I was confident about using Blogger and knew how to work it and structure my work clearly.

To make the magazines we needed photos and to take the photos we used the Vivitar 8 megapixel cameras. Using the camera was quite difficult at first but I soon learnt how to use it. It took me a couple of photos to get the pictures I wanted and learnt different techniques on how to take the photo. I learnt how to change the camera settings to make the camera turn black and white to very colourful. Shooting was very easy and different kind of shots gave the photos different affects such as tilting the camera slightly to create an edge of uneasiness and disorientation. After taking the photos I then uploaded them onto my blog and then could start to Photoshop them. Photoshop was a great help and allowed me to make my pictures better and edit things out that I don't want in my picture such as red eyes, Backgrounds and also things that did not fit in the scene. Once I had gotten rid of everything in the photo that I did not want, I then went on to add things to the photo which I though was appropriate such as extra lighting or making the scene darker. After making changes to the photos I then could develop my skills that I had learnt in class and though demonstrations by the teachers to start to construct my magazine. From using the scanner I knew exactly where I wanted things to go in my magazine so I knew what parts of my picture would be covered. Most of my pictures were quite central so I did not have this problem. I then could edit in backgrounds and effects to the magazine. I used the codes of conventions in my magazine so this had an effect on my decision making because I needed to my magazine not to look identical but have the similarities of other magazines such as a front cover with a Masthead. All the way though producing my magazine I had to think of how the use of Digital technologies could help me with my decision making as I knew that I could always improve on my work with the skills I had learnt with Blogger, cameras and Photoshop. Overall I am happy with the final product and looking back throughout my posts and my work I have seen clear signs of progress and feel more confident about using different forms of digital technology and know-how using it will help to create a better product.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Photo shoot pictures and analysis

The models I  have used for my magazine is Connor Hodgins and Faran Parker, They were very Kean to be part of my Magazine and was very enthusiastic and natural at playing the instruments as they are both part of bands and play at gigs and venue across Yorkshire on a regular basis. The setting for this photoshoot was at a professional recording studio in the centre of town. These are the shots that I took on the photo shoot and I will be choosing which pictures I will choose and what photos I will not choose and give a reason why and were they will be placed in my magazine.

                                                                      Photo 1

This photo is not a very good photo to use in a main shot for example my front cover because people would not be able to see the artists face. The staging is very good because of the drums being in the for ground. The lighting is bright and you can tell that he is playing the instrument. This photo would not be good for my magazine because there would be no room to fit any information in. Also the photo is squeezed.

                                                                     Photo 2

This photo would be a good photo to use for a double page spread. This is because it is a wide shot. It would not be good because of the obstructions in this shot for example the microphones are obstructing the drums. Also this shot is a bad rule of 3rd because the at both sides there is unwanted space and also it is to far away from the camera it would of been better with more of a close up and zoom. Even though this photo would be used as a double page spread because of its side i would not use it because of the problems in it.

                                                                      Photo 3

This photo is an action shot because of the movement seen in the picture. Connors face is blurred because i wanted to capture a shot where it looks like he is moving. I asked him to play the drums but also move his head from side to side quickly to give the affect of him moving and playing at a fast pace.This photo would not be good for my magazine because of the obstructions in the way for example the three microphones in the front of the shot.

                                                                  Photo 4

This photo would not be used in my magazine for the pure reason that it is too blared and too blared. Photo's like this helped me learn how not to do it. so it was a learning curve for me in taking photo's learning the rights and wrongs.

photo 5

The shot in this photo was really good it was just the camera was to high up so half the shot was of the wall. If Connor was looking at the camera at the time and it was a still it would of been a great photo for me to make as my front cover because the mast head and other information would of been able to have fit in the top of the photo.

Photo 6

  This photo is positioned wrong and also has obstructions and props that should not be in this shot.

Photo 7

This photo is really well positioned and also is a good face shot. I am going to use this as my front cover because it has room for the masthead and also information. It also has two pieces of musical instruments in the shot these being a guitar and the drums. This may give the perception that he may and can play two different musical instruments. Also the lighting is nice and bright with lots of vidid colours which all contrast really nicely.

Photo 8

This photo is going to be my choice for my music magazines content page. It is split up into two different parts, One being the piano and the top of the piano and the other being the shot of Connor. This will be really good because i will be able to put the page numbers on the left hand side and other bits of information on the top. It will all fit in really nicely.

Photo 9

This photo is going to be used as my double page spread because it would fit perfect. The photo is also laid out well with the mixxing deck on the table. One thing i want to make clear about my magazine is that it is for independent artists so this will look good and show he works with all things even the digital side of his music. There will also be lots of room to put a mast head and when i split it in two half will be information and writing whilst the other half will just have the picture on.

Photo- 10

This photo is a good photo to use for a little photo in lets say my contents page. It is bleary and also i would be able to crop it so then it is just Connor and the microphone in the shot.

Photo 11This is a photo of my artist Faran, She is a lead Guitarist in a band, For this photo I would like to use it on my contents page, I want Connor to be the main artist in my magazine but I would like to have another artist in the magazine so on the contents page it will have Faran in it so then it looks like Faran will also appear in the magazine. This photo sees Faran holding a Guitar and it is a high angle shot but the guitar is higher showing that music is more important to the artist. I will be using this shot because I will be able to work well with the photo.

Photo 12

This photo shows Faran playing the drums, I don't believe this shot is of a high standard so it will not be appearing in my magazine, She does not seem to fit well behind the sets of drums and she personally said she feels more comfortable with a guitar, also this photo is bleary and not of the quality they I want my magazine to have.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Location for my shoot.

Today I will be doing my photo shoot. I have arranged for transport for my artists to be able to get into the city centre. I have hired out a professional camera from the Media department from the college. I will update this post when I have come back from the shoot.

The shoot went really well, my artists performed to a professional standard for the shoot, The studio allowed us to use to the musical instruments and let us use the digital technology facilities at the shoot. I got plenty of great shots to choose from. I also got permission to go back next year to film for my Music Video.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Drafts and planning

This is a draft for my Front cover, It shows me were to place my pictures and other things that will be included in my front cover, It will have all the same codes and conventions of a normal Music Magazine, this is also helping me plan ahead so when I have taken my images and start to use Photoshop to develop my magazine and produce my final piece. Of course the final product will not be identical to this draft but it will be similar in the placement.

This is the draft for my Contents page, it will also have the same codes and conventions of a normal magazine so then it will seem more appealing. It will have images of my main artist which will have the page number allocating the reader to the double page spread and also other pages for other prospective articles. It will also have images of other people that would appear in my magazine so it looks professionally done and also more versatile.

This is my Double page spread draft, It is a basic draft but it allows me to see what my double page spread may look like when I have completed my double page spread. Their is one thing that I would change about this draft and that is the fact that I would use Columns so I would have a place to put my articles, Other then this I believe I will stick to this Draft.

Font for Magazine

This is the Font for my Magazine, It will be very important to keep the same style of font throughout my magazine so it keeps the continuity going thoughout my magazine. Also I wanted a unique and diffrent style of font so the audience will be able to know that it is my magazine.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Planning for my music magazine

My music magazine will be an independent magazine for Indie music lovers. It will contain new and upcoming artists. The magazines intention is to give information to the audience about the new and upcoming artists in the United Kingdom. It will not have all the big named bands in which you see in the more popular music magazines but will have small and upcoming singers who have been seen to have a good potential to make a name of themselves. The magazine will include most of the information that a normal magazine would contain with pictures, interviews, information , Upcoming gigs and many other things. The magazine will be colourful and bright. The name for my magazine will be WTFK it stands for "Whats the frequency Kenneth"it is a song by the American alternative rock group R.E.M. Many new magazines get their names from songs from well known bands. The magazine will be an Indie magazine and target people who like new and upcoming Indie singers and bands . The target audience will be teenagers and young adults. It will be low cost and easy to read and purchase. It will have a certain colour scheme throughout the magazine and these colours will be Black and red so then people can relate to the magazine and personally I find it distracting when there is a wide range of colour schemes as it distracts the eye. I will be using a male model named Connor Hodgins and this will be the name of my artist. I believe in Independent artists as I believe that they have put more input into their success then what a professional artist does as they don't do all the work and they don't get all the profit that an independent artist would get. I want my artist to have a shy look about him but when in the article that I will do for my double page spread he will talk about his claim to fame and this will be laid out in a column to make it more professional. I have found a location were I would like to take shots of my artist in a music studio and I have found a professional music studio in the city centre of Hull, I have emailed the Studio and they have given me the go ahead for the shooting and I have been given a date and time to go with my artist and do the shoot. I will be going in mind with the fact I need shots that will be able to fit a Front cover so it will have to be portrait and have enough room for positioning my Articles and Masthead and all the codes and conventions that a Front cover of a magazine would have. My Contents page will require a variety of images for my contents page as it will need to have more advertisements so I will use a different artist for my contents page so I will take more Images so then it will be more professional and also look more realistic so I will also be going to the shoot with another artist to take more photos. I will also need to create a double page spread that will require a landscape photo so then it will be able to fit into the image but also I am also going to take a Portrait image as I want to be able to put a column in so then I can produce a interview in which it will be structured by columns.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Three Double Page Spreads.

 Metal Hammer Magazine

This is the double page spread from the Metal Hammer Magazine and represents and shows the band Avenged Sevenfold, they are a heavy metal band and they were very popular at the time when this magazine was published, they were also advertised on the front cover so people would be able to recognise that they would be in the  magazine. It is only for very popular bands and artists to make it onto the front cover and double page spread. The artists are posing for the photo in an orderly but not formally. They are positioned in a certain way so then the audience can see who is the most dominant band members in the band. The background is dominantly back with relevance to  angels and death, Their is a small quote in the top right of the of the screen showing that they have actually talked to the magazine and the audience will be able to tell this and also they will be able to know that the magazine is successful because of having such a famous band on the magazine. The colours are very grim and this contrasts the fact that they are a heavy metal band as you would not see them dressed in colourful clothes. The double page spread is positioned with the photo in mind, The photographer knew that he would need to get a photo which is landscape so they could fit all of the captions, Masthead and other things that are on the Double page spread. My Double page spread will be different to this as I will be using Columns and only one artist. The colours will be different as my magazine will have a different target audience to this double page spread.
 NME Magazine
This is the double page spread from NME magazine and there target audience is more for teenagers and young adult. This double page spread will be similar to my magazine as I will have the same layout as this magazine and will have the same codes and conventions of this magazine. My magazine will not have the amount of people in this picture but will have the same space in which to work with. They have done there writing in columns and have it on the right hand side. They have took a portrait photo so they could be able to put the article next to the photo. The colours in this double page spread are very bland but also very colourful with the colour Orange making a striking and very original but this helps show were things are and the important parts of the double page spread. The people in the photo are predominantly young and this will appeal to other teenagers and young people this will have sense of narcism with the audience. This is an article but I will be doing an interview with my artist as I want my artist to come across more sociable and more outwards to fans.

                                                                    IDJ Magazine

This magazine is majority for DJ's and for people who are into techno, trance and electronic music so the picture is ironic as it is different and new. It shows a man dressed and painted in black and white and he has face paint on his face which is in shape of a skull and I believe the water is in place so it seems as though he is being indulged in the music. It is a very dramatic photo and would have an affect on the audience to discover was the photo is about. The man in the picture is the main drummer in the band. The picture is positioned so that the artist is 3/4 of the way across the double page spread so it leaves room for the article and also pull quote and this is when a quote is taken out of the article so people will get a glimpse of what would be in the article. The article is on the left hand side of the double page spread and talks about the artist but it is edited very well as the hand of the artist comes into the article but the article fits around the hand.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Three Contents pages analysis


This is the content page from the DJ magazine. Because it is a Dj Magazine you expect to see bright colours because DJ's play in clubs and this magazine is all about Dj's and places to go and rave. The contents page allows the reader to navigate and find the information they want to and also make it easy to find a page which they are looking for with the information they want to read. It also alllows the reader to see what contents will be in the magazine. The contents page for this magazine is cleverly laid out in a fasion where the catagories of the magazine can be split up into five main diffrent catagoreis such as Features, Comin' up, aaa, music and tech. This allows the reader to find the information quickly about the topic they would like to read about.
The  Contents page also has a Mast head which is featured in the top left which is named "Contents' The page has lotts of photos on showing pictures such as girls, Raves, Techno instriments. They all have the page number in the picture showing which page to turn to, to find out more about the picture.  On the Bottom right of the picture it shows to oddly dressed males stood at what looks like a bus stop. DJ magazine cleverly put the same men on the front of the magazine so when they opend up the magazine the reader would be able to look at the picture straight away and make a connection with the front cover and contents page so then they could go to the page in which they can find out more information on the men.  The Contents page also gives a website "" Making the reader know that they can find out more online because magazines allways have Websites now for more information on their magazines.

Metal Hammer MagazineMetal Hammers contents page is diffrent from other content pages because it does not start on the second page but on the 4th page. Between the cover and the contents there is advertisment and a tribute to a singer who had just recently passed away. The colours that you first see when you look at the contents page is mostly red and dark colours. The colour red usually symbalises blood and violence which usually Heavy Rock includes because of the lifestyle that Rock stars live. The Contents page is full of information and pictures.  It is split into four diffrent catagories. There is the "Editor Speak", the page referances and then the pictures. The Editor Speak is placed on the right side of the contents page and the editor talks about the late Rock star Ronnie James Dio. The page refrences is split into three groups one being the features and the one being the regulars and the other being the reviews. The Features are the bands that are new and that may be becoming popular in the charts. The Regular list is for well known bands such as "Aerosmith" and other bands that have allready made a name for themselves. The review list is not as big as the other lists but it is there for people who would like to know about a band and what Metal Hammer think of some bands. There are Four prominant pictures. The top one shows rock legends Sir Christopher Lee and Tony Iommi with one being sat on a chair and one standing up. The Sir Christopher Lee is sat down maybe showing his age even though the reader will know that he had a good rock carrer but now he is in his elderly state. The second and third picture shows younger Rock singers and band memebers and then at the bottom there is a picture of man seemingly glowing. There are also other information on the contents page such as there are advertisments.

KERRANG Magazine

Kerrang Magazine has a diffrent way of laying out their contents page. If you look at the page as it is cut into sections you will see really it is really split up into two diffrent sub divisions. one being the top half which is a large photograph with oher photographs with information at the side of the large Photo.  The bottom half has most of the information aboout what is going to be in the magazine and also it has a message from the Editor of the magazine. The main colours used in the Contents pages are red, black and yellow. The colours can be seen as a way of seeing where to look for the right information for example the words in Yellow are usually