Wednesday 10 November 2010

LIIAR interpretatation of the Brief.

Language- Conventions used in Magazines usually  consist of a Masthead, Cover stories and images. The images that are used in magazines are Medium-close up photo to show the person or the artist in the image more clearly and stands out more. Also the genre of the magazine will change the characteristics of the magazine for example a pop music magazine would have colourful bright colours whilst a Rock magazine would have dark colours this is a contrast between music magazines and also you can tell the difference between a rock magazine and a pop magazine just by the colours on the front cover.

Institution- My institution for my magazine will be ANP Magazines Limited.
Ideology- This is what the institution wants to get across and portray such as information and also what they represent . With a  music magazine it may represent a different social music group for example Indie rock this type of music would be in a magazine such as NME. For another example Q magazine will represents Quality and this is what some readers may want this would target older readers or maybe younger students.

Audience- This is who the Magazine is targeted at and different groups in society for example Age, Gender, Income, Genre of music and social status these can all affect who would buy a certain magazine.

Representation- This ties in with Audience this is who the magazine represent such as age and sex for example you usually would not get a 13 year old pop loving girl reading Metal hammer because it does not represent her but a magazine such as Top of the pop's.

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