Friday 19 November 2010

Market Research on 3 Magazine front covers.

Background-  KERRANG magazine was established in 1981 and is a rock magazine which is published by Bauer consumer media and is a British based magazine.

Language - This magazine also has all the typical  conventions that a music should usually allways have such as theMagazine name this also reffered to as the Mast head. The mast head for this magazine is "Kerrang"  it  has a shattered affect assif it has been shattered from the volume of the music this could show that the type of music that this magazine represents is very loud and high pitched.. The Mast head is also covered by the picture but you can still work out that it is called KERRANG. The picture itself shows five band members all stood up all stood up in a order this may represent the hyrarcy of the band for example the person in the front could be the main singer. Also the picture shows the main person in the photo showing his Tattoo and Tattoos show' hardness and they are also assosiated with Rockstars and heavy metal and rock band members so this may be showing that he is part of a rock band. Even if you did not know who the band was you can tell who they are because the bands name has been  placed right next to the picture and also you can tell where and what kind of music they represent though the Ancorage under the name "NORTHERN UPROAR" This maybe trying to say that they are having big sucsess up north in the United Kingdom and also the UPROAR almost sounds like a rebelious word showing that they are new and that they have a diffrent and new sound of music. Also at the top of the music magazine it has a hard hitting line " TRAVIS BARKER IN PLANE CRASH HORROR" people would see this and want to know the outcome of the Plane crash was and if people are Travis Barker fans they would want to know if he was ok so this intises people into reading the magazine. Free posters are also advertised on the front cover and everyone likes free stuff its just the British way of life. They advertise the posters by using three pictures of three diffrent singers/bands singing plus they have the singers/bands names underneath so that you know who they are.
The Magazine also has a Price tag because this shows how much the magazine is and what date the magazine is valid unitl.

Ideology- The Ideology behind Kerrang magazine is to represent Rock music in a new light showing it as fun and cool.

Institution- Kerrnag is published by Bauer Consumer Media Bauer is an institution which has aims of making magazines accomplish good selling.

Audience- The Audience for this magazine would be preferbly teenagers and people who would be intrested in Rock music.The price of this magazine which is £2.20 will allow teenagers to buy it with there pocket money or part time jobs.

Representation- The representation for Kerrang magazine is to show new and intersting new and allready well established Rock bands with information about bands and  gigs.

Background-  KERRANG magazine was established in 1981 and is a rock magazine which is published by Bauer consumer media and is a British based magazine.

Language - This magazine also has all the typical  conventions that a music should usually allways have such as theMagazine name this also reffered to as the Mast head. The mast head for this magazine is "Kerrang"  it  has a shattered affect assif it has been shattered from the volume of the music this could show that the type of music that this magazine represents is very loud and high pitched.. The Mast head is also covered by the picture but you can still work out that it is called KERRANG. The picture itself shows five band members all stood up all stood up in a order this may represent the hyrarcy of the band for example the person in the front could be the main singer. Also the picture shows the main person in the photo showing his Tattoo and Tattoos show' hardness and they are also assosiated with Rockstars and heavy metal and rock band members so this may be showing that he is part of a rock band. Even if you did not know who the band was you can tell who they are because the bands name has been  placed right next to the picture and also you can tell where and what kind of music they represent though the Ancorage under the name "NORTHERN UPROAR" This maybe trying to say that they are having big sucsess up north in the United Kingdom and also the UPROAR almost sounds like a rebelious word showing that they are new and that they have a diffrent and new sound of music. Also at the top of the music magazine it has a hard hitting line " TRAVIS BARKER IN PLANE CRASH HORROR" people would see this and want to know the outcome of the Plane crash was and if people are Travis Barker fans they would want to know if he was ok so this intises people into reading the magazine. Free posters are also advertised on the front cover and everyone likes free stuff its just the British way of life. They advertise the posters by using three pictures of three diffrent singers/bands singing plus they have the singers/bands names underneath so that you know who they are.
The Magazine also has a Price tag because this shows how much the magazine is and what date the magazine is valid unitl.

Ideology- The Ideology behind Kerrang magazine is to represent Rock music in a new and interesting way and making it easy to understand new music

Institution- Kerrnag is published by Bauer Consumer Media Bauer is an institution which has aims of making magazines accomplish good selling.

Audience- The Audience for this magazine would be preferbly teenagers and people who would be intrested in Rock music.The price of this magazine which is £2.20 will allow teenagers to buy it with there pocket money or part time jobs.

Representation- The representation for Kerrang magazine is to show new and intersting new and allready well established Rock bands with information about bands and  gigs.

Background-  Metal Hammer magazine is a heavy metal magazine which is published once a month in the united kingdom. It is the largest selling metal magazine in the UK.

Language- The language used for this Magazine can be seen with all the conventions of a typical music magazine for example Camera angle, Colour, Font , Point of view, Mast head, Photos, Price tag, Date and many more diffrent conventions. The Mast head is very unique because of what message it has to petray. Metal Hammer itself is a strong and powerful name for a music magazine. The word "Hammer" is made to look as if it has been painted or someone has Graffited on and also it has paint dripping down maybe showing it was done quick as a rebellius act maybe showing the music they support is a rebbelius sort of music. The picture shows four members from the band "Avenge sevenfold" which are a world renound heavy rock band. They pertray this by the way they dress and the props they use in the shoot they used for the front cover of the magazine. In the photo it shows the main band leader sat on what looks like a skull drum symbalising death and also power for the main singer because he has been brought forward in the picture. The other band members are stood behind the band member sat on the drum. Two of them are wearing sunglasses whilst one of them isnt this may show that they see darkness instead of light. The band members also seem to have lotts of tattoos on their arms. Tattoos symbalise power and status and also is linked to Rock band singers. This picture is most defonetly photoshoped you can tell this because of the background In the picture. One thing i noticed is that the Mast head is in darkness but near the bottom there is a horizen maybe symbolising a new dawn. The band member who is sat down is also is putting his palms together  making it seem as though he is praying for something and postioned on the wall behind him is an angel but it does not look like an angelic angel which we all dipict as being one it is a male angel not female and its is in darkness and has black wings maybe trying to show a Rock Angel There is also a tag line with a quote from the band which reads "our first thought was .' It's over.' It isn't. This is how jimmy will live on" This quote would make people intrested in the magazine to find out what it may mean. The price tag is also on the magazine which allows people to see how much the magazine causes and also the date is on the magazine to allow the customer to see if the Magazine is relevant for that time.


Institution- Metal Hammer is owned by "Future" and they  are a publishing business. they Integrate new media with magazine publishing, Metal Hammer brands capture the excitement of the fast-moving sectors they operate in, providing a direct line of communication to a wide audience, at a time when they are at their most involved and engaged.

Audience-  The main audience for Metal hammer magazine would probally be for middle aged men this is because of the age of most of the men that are perseved in pictures and the advertisments in the magazines for example there is a full page in the magazine advertising sex lines and this is typically directed at single men there are also adds for Motorbikes and also Alcohol so it is not a magazine in which a minor or someone under the legal age of driving, Buying Alcohol or having sex should read. The price of the magazine also may pertray the type of person to buy the magazine because most people who don't have alot of money would not be able to afford £4.25 because this is a very steap selling price for your average teenager. The Magazine is a Heavy metal magazine so it would be ideal for someone who is into that sort of music.

Representation- Metal Hammer represents people that are into Heavy Rock and people who enjoy to learn more about Bands and also upcoming gigs and concerts.


Wednesday 10 November 2010

LIIAR interpretatation of the Brief.

Language- Conventions used in Magazines usually  consist of a Masthead, Cover stories and images. The images that are used in magazines are Medium-close up photo to show the person or the artist in the image more clearly and stands out more. Also the genre of the magazine will change the characteristics of the magazine for example a pop music magazine would have colourful bright colours whilst a Rock magazine would have dark colours this is a contrast between music magazines and also you can tell the difference between a rock magazine and a pop magazine just by the colours on the front cover.

Institution- My institution for my magazine will be ANP Magazines Limited.
Ideology- This is what the institution wants to get across and portray such as information and also what they represent . With a  music magazine it may represent a different social music group for example Indie rock this type of music would be in a magazine such as NME. For another example Q magazine will represents Quality and this is what some readers may want this would target older readers or maybe younger students.

Audience- This is who the Magazine is targeted at and different groups in society for example Age, Gender, Income, Genre of music and social status these can all affect who would buy a certain magazine.

Representation- This ties in with Audience this is who the magazine represent such as age and sex for example you usually would not get a 13 year old pop loving girl reading Metal hammer because it does not represent her but a magazine such as Top of the pop's.

The Brief for the Main task

The front page, contents and a double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, Produced by you- Minimum of four images.