Wednesday 2 March 2011

Photo shoot pictures and analysis

The models I  have used for my magazine is Connor Hodgins and Faran Parker, They were very Kean to be part of my Magazine and was very enthusiastic and natural at playing the instruments as they are both part of bands and play at gigs and venue across Yorkshire on a regular basis. The setting for this photoshoot was at a professional recording studio in the centre of town. These are the shots that I took on the photo shoot and I will be choosing which pictures I will choose and what photos I will not choose and give a reason why and were they will be placed in my magazine.

                                                                      Photo 1

This photo is not a very good photo to use in a main shot for example my front cover because people would not be able to see the artists face. The staging is very good because of the drums being in the for ground. The lighting is bright and you can tell that he is playing the instrument. This photo would not be good for my magazine because there would be no room to fit any information in. Also the photo is squeezed.

                                                                     Photo 2

This photo would be a good photo to use for a double page spread. This is because it is a wide shot. It would not be good because of the obstructions in this shot for example the microphones are obstructing the drums. Also this shot is a bad rule of 3rd because the at both sides there is unwanted space and also it is to far away from the camera it would of been better with more of a close up and zoom. Even though this photo would be used as a double page spread because of its side i would not use it because of the problems in it.

                                                                      Photo 3

This photo is an action shot because of the movement seen in the picture. Connors face is blurred because i wanted to capture a shot where it looks like he is moving. I asked him to play the drums but also move his head from side to side quickly to give the affect of him moving and playing at a fast pace.This photo would not be good for my magazine because of the obstructions in the way for example the three microphones in the front of the shot.

                                                                  Photo 4

This photo would not be used in my magazine for the pure reason that it is too blared and too blared. Photo's like this helped me learn how not to do it. so it was a learning curve for me in taking photo's learning the rights and wrongs.

photo 5

The shot in this photo was really good it was just the camera was to high up so half the shot was of the wall. If Connor was looking at the camera at the time and it was a still it would of been a great photo for me to make as my front cover because the mast head and other information would of been able to have fit in the top of the photo.

Photo 6

  This photo is positioned wrong and also has obstructions and props that should not be in this shot.

Photo 7

This photo is really well positioned and also is a good face shot. I am going to use this as my front cover because it has room for the masthead and also information. It also has two pieces of musical instruments in the shot these being a guitar and the drums. This may give the perception that he may and can play two different musical instruments. Also the lighting is nice and bright with lots of vidid colours which all contrast really nicely.

Photo 8

This photo is going to be my choice for my music magazines content page. It is split up into two different parts, One being the piano and the top of the piano and the other being the shot of Connor. This will be really good because i will be able to put the page numbers on the left hand side and other bits of information on the top. It will all fit in really nicely.

Photo 9

This photo is going to be used as my double page spread because it would fit perfect. The photo is also laid out well with the mixxing deck on the table. One thing i want to make clear about my magazine is that it is for independent artists so this will look good and show he works with all things even the digital side of his music. There will also be lots of room to put a mast head and when i split it in two half will be information and writing whilst the other half will just have the picture on.

Photo- 10

This photo is a good photo to use for a little photo in lets say my contents page. It is bleary and also i would be able to crop it so then it is just Connor and the microphone in the shot.

Photo 11This is a photo of my artist Faran, She is a lead Guitarist in a band, For this photo I would like to use it on my contents page, I want Connor to be the main artist in my magazine but I would like to have another artist in the magazine so on the contents page it will have Faran in it so then it looks like Faran will also appear in the magazine. This photo sees Faran holding a Guitar and it is a high angle shot but the guitar is higher showing that music is more important to the artist. I will be using this shot because I will be able to work well with the photo.

Photo 12

This photo shows Faran playing the drums, I don't believe this shot is of a high standard so it will not be appearing in my magazine, She does not seem to fit well behind the sets of drums and she personally said she feels more comfortable with a guitar, also this photo is bleary and not of the quality they I want my magazine to have.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Location for my shoot.

Today I will be doing my photo shoot. I have arranged for transport for my artists to be able to get into the city centre. I have hired out a professional camera from the Media department from the college. I will update this post when I have come back from the shoot.

The shoot went really well, my artists performed to a professional standard for the shoot, The studio allowed us to use to the musical instruments and let us use the digital technology facilities at the shoot. I got plenty of great shots to choose from. I also got permission to go back next year to film for my Music Video.