Thursday 27 January 2011

Three Contents pages analysis


This is the content page from the DJ magazine. Because it is a Dj Magazine you expect to see bright colours because DJ's play in clubs and this magazine is all about Dj's and places to go and rave. The contents page allows the reader to navigate and find the information they want to and also make it easy to find a page which they are looking for with the information they want to read. It also alllows the reader to see what contents will be in the magazine. The contents page for this magazine is cleverly laid out in a fasion where the catagories of the magazine can be split up into five main diffrent catagoreis such as Features, Comin' up, aaa, music and tech. This allows the reader to find the information quickly about the topic they would like to read about.
The  Contents page also has a Mast head which is featured in the top left which is named "Contents' The page has lotts of photos on showing pictures such as girls, Raves, Techno instriments. They all have the page number in the picture showing which page to turn to, to find out more about the picture.  On the Bottom right of the picture it shows to oddly dressed males stood at what looks like a bus stop. DJ magazine cleverly put the same men on the front of the magazine so when they opend up the magazine the reader would be able to look at the picture straight away and make a connection with the front cover and contents page so then they could go to the page in which they can find out more information on the men.  The Contents page also gives a website "" Making the reader know that they can find out more online because magazines allways have Websites now for more information on their magazines.

Metal Hammer MagazineMetal Hammers contents page is diffrent from other content pages because it does not start on the second page but on the 4th page. Between the cover and the contents there is advertisment and a tribute to a singer who had just recently passed away. The colours that you first see when you look at the contents page is mostly red and dark colours. The colour red usually symbalises blood and violence which usually Heavy Rock includes because of the lifestyle that Rock stars live. The Contents page is full of information and pictures.  It is split into four diffrent catagories. There is the "Editor Speak", the page referances and then the pictures. The Editor Speak is placed on the right side of the contents page and the editor talks about the late Rock star Ronnie James Dio. The page refrences is split into three groups one being the features and the one being the regulars and the other being the reviews. The Features are the bands that are new and that may be becoming popular in the charts. The Regular list is for well known bands such as "Aerosmith" and other bands that have allready made a name for themselves. The review list is not as big as the other lists but it is there for people who would like to know about a band and what Metal Hammer think of some bands. There are Four prominant pictures. The top one shows rock legends Sir Christopher Lee and Tony Iommi with one being sat on a chair and one standing up. The Sir Christopher Lee is sat down maybe showing his age even though the reader will know that he had a good rock carrer but now he is in his elderly state. The second and third picture shows younger Rock singers and band memebers and then at the bottom there is a picture of man seemingly glowing. There are also other information on the contents page such as there are advertisments.

KERRANG Magazine

Kerrang Magazine has a diffrent way of laying out their contents page. If you look at the page as it is cut into sections you will see really it is really split up into two diffrent sub divisions. one being the top half which is a large photograph with oher photographs with information at the side of the large Photo.  The bottom half has most of the information aboout what is going to be in the magazine and also it has a message from the Editor of the magazine. The main colours used in the Contents pages are red, black and yellow. The colours can be seen as a way of seeing where to look for the right information for example the words in Yellow are usually